Warning: If you are a McCain/Palin fan then you might want to refrain from reading this blog until after the election!!!! This is the only warning you will get so if you get offended it is not my problem.
I thought the Republicans were BIG, BAD, gun toting, everyone takes care of him/herself type of people. You know.....grow a backbone, quit whining, and get over it. No handouts, no second chances, just get it right. Well, I guess I was wrong........
After all the talk about the McCains on the view and Cindy McCain's statements about their appearance, I watched the clip. Seriously? This upset the McCains??? The questions that were asked were fair, upfront, and honest. It was obviously hard for John McCain to answer these questions without the benefit of sound bites, scripts, and speech writers. I will give the McCains credit for even going on the show, they must have known it would be a difficult interview. BUT, it was not even close to being "as bad" as Cindy McCain made it out to be in her statements. If you can't take a little heat, then you DEFINATELY do not need to be President. Please, please, please tell me that they will not win.
I loved the talk about religion and Roe vs Wade. The take home message: if you are a woman who desires rights or anything but Christian, then watch out!!!! I hope you will go to utube and watch the video. I deserves to be watched. And Elizabeth made a point to say that McCain had her vote. I don't think I would admit it if I was voting for McCain or if I had voted for Bush. I would be a closeted Republican (and I would stay in the closet).
This cannot be happening. America cannot be this stupid. I'm scared.