Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

What does everyone want for their b-day? Diamonds? Money? Clothes? No, what everyone wants is a blood patch! Well, try to not be to jealous because that is what I am getting. Eat your hearts out peeps. Ok. Seriously, yes I am still leaking. I have been bad about updates because I wanted a plan before I got on the blog. Well, now I have one. Mere and I leave Monday for sunny LA. Tuesday is MRI and appointment with Dr.S, and Wed is blood patch. Thursday we fly home. Is this it? I have NO IDEA. What I do know....no surgery for me for at least another month. I am willing to try his super special large volume blood patch and PRAY beyond PRAYING that is works. But, if it doesn't, I'm holding on surgery until June. That little voice in my head is just telling me that surgery is not a great idea right now.

April has been good. I am managing pain with the help of an awesome palliative care doctor and can be up for considerable periods of time with bearable pain. I haven't gone back to work yet but I'm going to try in May. We will see. I am not overly hopeful that I will make it an entire day, but there is only one way to find out! I am off of the cane and the walker and discharged from physical therapy. My right leg is still pretty weak but I'm the only one who can tell. We have actually been able to do things as a family this month....picnics, bday parties, gathering at friends' houses...it has been great. Even though I'm still not better, I am feeling more normal than I have in 6 months. I'm not ready to trade that for the excruciating pain of surgery and recovery. I just can't do it right now. Oh yeah, and I'm driving again!!!!!

So, onward and upward. I pray that 32 is better than 31. I don't need perfection, I just want to be restored to health again. Keep praying for us because we still need it!

Oh yeah, and guess what my awesome wife got me for my bday? The first year of my blog made into a book and a S.tarbucks coffee waiting for me when I woke up (a luxury that we can no longer afford). The book IS AWESOME and AMAZING and WONDERFUL. It just proves that the best gifts aren't the expensive ones. I love you Mere.

Below is a picture of the book. Pretty cool, huh?


K J and the kids said...

I'm so sorry you are leaking again. I just can't fathom it.
I hope the patch works.
I hope 32 is a GREAT year of good health, secure financials and a happy family.

Sonya said...

Happy Birthday!

I'm so sorry to hear this news. Though I am happy that you feel the best you've felt in months. Enjoy that! Enjoy hanging out and doing things with your family. I pray that this trip allow you to finish your healing!